
What is the SUNY Apprenticeship Program?

A grant developed by SUNY in partnership with the NYSDOL. The focus is to engage small, medium, and large employers in New York to secure paid registered apprenticeships in high skilled, high demand and competitive wage occupations in advanced manufacturing, healthcare, information technology, and more!

SUNY The State University of New York

Our goal:

To develop and help apprenticeship programs succeed in New York State. This grant allows us to monetarily aid employers with the related instruction part of an apprenticeship. This fund can be accessed by every SUNY community college to help apprenticeship programs in our specific areas.


Who can participate in the SUNY Apprenticeship Program?


Companies in advanced manufacturing, healthcare, information technology, and more. Learn more about Employer participation. 


Future Students/Apprentices

  • Are you 18 years old or older? (no maximum age limit)
  • Do you have a high school diploma or equivalent?