Designing CollegeNow Curriculum
Tompkins Cortland Community College
170 North Street, P.O. Box 139
Dryden, NY 13053
- MON 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- TUE 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- WED 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- THU 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- FRI 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- SAT Closed
- SUN Closed
Designing curriculum for your school with the college-bound student in mind.
Concurrent Enrollment can help high school students to prepare for college by helping them to transition to college level expectations, and by giving them advanced standing when they start college. Depending on the number of credits they earn, and the combination of them, this advanced standing can benefit the student by either freeing up their freshman year schedule, or even by eliminating a semester of college level work.
When you are planning your master schedule, you may want to keep your Concurrent Enrollment options in mind. We advise schools to focus mainly on offering 100 level courses that will apply to a student's college curriculum regardless of their major. Nearly all college majors require ENGL 101 and 102. Students are also expected to have some liberal arts electives - such as a history course, psychology, or sociology. CollegeNow’s SUNY General Education chart categorizes Tompkins Cortland’s approved SUNY General Education offerings according to knowledge and skill areas and notes those courses available as Concurrent Enrollment and Online courses.
Most students, even in liberal arts programs, will be required to have some math and natural sciences - like college level Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, or Biology. Many students will also be required to take a Foreign Language. We have high schools that are offering most of the courses listed. A motivated and hardworking student in one of these schools could graduate with a college transcript, backed by the State University of New York system, which shows they have already earned 36 college credits.
Many high-achieving students take a combination of Advanced Placement and Concurrent Enrollment courses in their junior and senior years. When an Advanced Placement course also runs as a Concurrent Enrollment course, a student who does not earn the required score on the AP exam is still able to earn college credit based on his or her Concurrent Enrollment course grade. The Advanced Placement Tompkins Cortland Course Equivalents chart can help students plan how AP credits would be accepted at Tompkins Cortland Community College. The chart can also assist schools in deciding which courses to run as Concurrent Enrollment courses. Keep in mind that if your school is already offering an AP course, it could benefit students to also offer the course as Concurrent Enrollment.
Please inquire if you are interested in a course not on this list. The best way to identify a matching college course is to review its Master Course Syllabus.
Arts, English, & Humanities:
- ART 106 - Introduction to Photojournalism (3 Credits)
- ART 115 - Painting I (3 Credits)
- ART 116 - Painting II (3 Credits)
- ART 117 – Design Foundations I (3 Credits)
- ART 120 – Drawing I (3 Credits)
- ART 130 - Ceramics I (3 Credits)
- ART 131 - Ceramics II (3 Credits)
- COMM100 - Creating Online Media (1 Credit)
- COMM111 - Foundations of Digital Editing (1 Credit)
- COMM112 - Foundations of Motion Graphics (1 Credit)
- COMM115 - Intro to Digital Video (3 Credits)
- COMM145 - DVD Authoring (1 Credit)
- ENGL100 - Academic Writing I (3 Credits)
- ENGL101 - Academic Writing II (3 Credits)
- ENGL102 - Approaches to Literature (3 Credits)
- ENGL201 - Public Speaking (3 Credits)
- MUSI101 - Music Appreciation (3 Credits)
- MUSI108 - Music Theory I (3 Credits)
- MUSI109 - Music Theory II (3 Credits)
Business & Hospitality (incl. Economics):
- ACCT101 – Financial Accounting (4 Credits)
- BUAD103 - Entrepreneurship I (3 Credits)
- BUAD106 - Foundations of Business (3 Credits)
- BUAD109 - Personal Money Management (3 Credits)
- BUAD201 - Business Law I (3 Credits)
- BUAD204 - Principles of Marketing (3 Credits)
- BUAD208 - Principles of Management (3 Credits)
- BUAD222 - Money and Banking (3 Credits)
- CAPS100 - Keyboarding (1 credit)
- CAPS111 - Introduction to Word Processing (1 Credit)
- CAPS121 - Introduction to Spreadsheets (1 Credit)
- CAPS123 - Advanced Spreadsheets (1 Credit)
- CAPS131 - Introduction to Databases (1 Credit)
- CAPS141 - Presentation Software (1 Credit)
- CAPS152 - Web Page Design (1 Credit)
- ECON101 - Intro to Economics (3 Credits)
- ECON120 - Principles of Microeconomics (3 Credits)
- ECON121 - Principles of Macroeconomics (3 Credits)
- HRMG101 - Food Preparation I (3 Credits)
Health, Human Services, & Recreation:
- FITN215 - Aerobic Conditioning (1 Credit)
- FITN216 - Lifeguard Training (2 Credits)
- HLTH104 - Medical Terminology (3 Credits)
- HLTH126 - Health and Fitness (1 Credit)
- HLTH205 - First Aid & Safety Education (3 Credits)
- HLTH206 - Personal Health (3 Credits)
- RECR112 - Intro to Kinesiology (3 Credits)
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math:
- ASTR101 - Introductory Astronomy (3 Credits)
- BIOL101 - Principles of Biology I (3 Credits)
- BIOL102 - Principles of Biology II (3 Credits)
- BIOL104 - General Biology I (4 Credits)
- BIOL105 - General Biology II (4 Credits)
- BIOL114 - Essentials of Nutrition (3 Credits)
- BIOL131 - Principles of Human Anatomy & Physiology I (4 Cr)
- BIOL132 - Principles of Human Anatomy & Physiology II (4 Cr)
- CHEM101 - Principles of Chemistry I (4 Credits)
- CHEM102 - Principles of Chemistry II (4 Credits)
- CHEM107 - General Chemistry I (4 Credits)
- CHEM108 - General Chemistry II (4 Credits)
- CIS 108 – Intro to Computer Info Systems (3 Credits)
- CIS 132 - Network Design (3 Credits)
- CSCI160 - Computer Science I (3 Credits)
- CSS 112 - Hardware Repair and Maintenance (3 Credits)
- CSS 212 - Help Desk and User Support (3 Credits)
- DRAF107 - Engineering Graphics (2 Credits)
- DRAF117 - Architectural Drafting I (3 Credits)
- ELEC102 - Intro to Electrical Engineering Apps. (4 Credits)
- ELEC224 - Digital Electronics (4 Credits)
- ENVS101 – Intro to Environmental Science (3 Credits)
- ENVS102 - Technology and the Environment (3 Credits)
- ENVS110, 111, 112 - Food Systems Seminars (1 Credit each)
- GEOL101 - Introductory Geology I (3 Credits)
- MATH120 - College Algebra (4 Credits)
- MATH122 - Technical Math (3 Credits)
- MATH138 - Pre-calculus Mathematics (4 Credits)
- MATH200 - Statistics (3 Credits)
- MATH201 - Calculus I (4 Credits)
- MATH202 - Calculus II (4 Credits)
- METR101 - Introductory Meteorology (3 Credits)
- PHSC104 - General Physics I (4 Credits)
- PHSC105 - General Physics II (4 Credits)
- PHSC211 - Physics I: Mechanics and Heat (4 Credits)
Social Sciences (incl. Languages):
- ACAD100 - Introduction to the College Experience (1 Credit)
- ACAD150 - College Success Seminar (3 Credits)
- ANTH201 - Intro to Anthropology (3 Credits)
- ANTH202 - Cultural Anthropology (3 Credits)
- ECHD110 - Children and the Arts (3 Credits)
- ECHD125 - Intro to Early Childhood Education (3 Credits)
- ECHD225 - Early Childhood Curric. Development (3 Credits)
- FREN102 - Beginning French II (3 Credits)
- FREN201 - Intermediate French I (3 Credits)
- FREN202 - Intermediate French II (3 Credits)
- HSTY116 – The West in the World to 1500 (3 Credits)
- HSTY117 – The West in the World Since 1500 (3 Credits)
- HSTY201 - American History to 1877 (3 Credits)
- HSTY202 - American History Since 1877 (3 Credits)
- POSC103 - American National Government (3 Credits)
- POSC104 - American State and Local Government (3 Credits)
- PSYC103 - Introduction to Psychology (3 Credits)
- SOCI101 - Introduction to Sociology (3 Credits)
- SPAN102 - Beginning Spanish II (3 Credits)
- SPAN201 - Intermediate Spanish I (3 Credits)
- SPAN202 - Intermediate Spanish II (3 Credits)
- SPAN280 - Hispanic Literature and Culture I (3 Credits)
- SPAN281 - Hispanic Literature and Culture II (3 Credits)
Advanced Placement Course | TC3 Course Equivalent |
Art / History of Art | ART 101 and ART 102 |
Art / Studio Art: 2D Design | ART 110 |
Art / Studio Art: 3D Design | ART 114 |
Art / Studio Art: Drawing | ART 120 |
Biology | BIOL 104 and BIOL 105 |
Chemistry | CHEM107 and CHEM 108 |
Computer Science A | CSCI 160 |
Economics / Macroeconomics | ECON 121 |
Economics / Microeconomics | ECON 120 |
English / Language and Composition | ENGL 100 and ENGL 101 |
English / Literature and Composition | ENGL 101 and ENGL 102 |
French Language and Culture | FREN 101 and FREN 102 |
German Language and Culture | GERM 101 and GERM 102 |
Government and Politics / United States | POSC 103 |
History / European | HSTY 101 and HSTY 102 |
History / United States | HSTY 201 and HSTY 202 |
History / World | HSTY 110 and HSTY 111 |
Mathematics / Calculus AB | MATH 201 |
Mathematics / Calculus BC | MATH 201 and MATH 202 |
Mathematics / Statistics | MATH 200 |
Music Theory | MUSI 108 and MUSI 109 |
Physics I | PHSC 104 |
Physics II | PHSC 105 |
Physics III / Mechanics | PHSC 211 |
Psychology | PSYC 103 |
Spanish Language | SPAN 101 and SPAN 102 |
Spanish Literature | SPAN 201 and SPAN 202 |
To earn an Associate of Arts (A.A.), Associate of Science (A.S.), or Baccalaureate degree from any SUNY institution, a student must complete 30 credits of SUNY General Education (Gen Ed) coursework, distributed among a minimum of seven SUNY Gen Ed areas, including Mathematics and Basic Communication.
The SUNY General Education courses available through Concurrent Enrollment C are indicated below. Any Tompkins Cortland course that is an approved SUNY General Education course will be accepted into the same General Education category at the receiving SUNY institution and may meet a degree or elective requirement, depending on the major.
Area 1: Mathematics
- MATH 109
- MATH 122 C
- MATH 120 C
- MATH 138 C
- MATH 181
- MATH 200 C
- MATH 201 C
- MATH 202 C
- MATH 203
- MATH 205
- MATH 206
- MATH 216
Area 2: Natural Sciences
- ASTR 101 C L
- BIOL 100, 101 C, 102 C, 104 C, 105 C, 112, 114 L, 115, 116, 131 C, 132 C, 201, 202, 211, 216
- CHEM 101 C, 102 C, 107 C, 108 C, 205, 206
- ENVS 101 C, 102 C L, 116, 141, 202 L
- GEOL 101 C
- METR 101 C
- PHSC 104 C, 105 C, 211 C, 212, 213
Area 3: Social Sciences
- ANTH 201 C
- ANTH 202 C
- COMM 101 C
- ECON 101 C, 120 C, 121 C
- ENVS 107, 108, 295
- GEOG 120 C
- POSC 103 C, 104 C
- PSYC 101, 103 C, 108, 201, 205, 207, 208, 209, 218, 263
- SOCE 201, 205
- SOCI 101 C, 201, 203, 205, 206, 207
Area 4: American History
- HSTY 201 C
- HSTY 202 C
- HSTY 225 H
- HSTY 233 H
- HSTY 255
Area 5: Western Civilization
- ART 101
- HSTY 101, 102 C
- ANTH 202 C
- HSTY 110, 111 C, 215
- HSTY 245, 252, 260
- HUMN 232
- POSC 260
- RECR 150
- SOCE 150
- SOCI 220
- CRJU 217
Area 6: Other World Civilizations
- ENGL 102 C, 215, 220, 227, 229, 233, 248
- ENVS 105 C
- HUMN 232
- PHIL 101 C, 201
- RECR 270
- WGST 248
Area 7: Humanities
- ART 101, 102, 109 1, 110 1, 111 1, 115 1 C, 120 1 C, 122 1, 123 1, 124 1, 130 1 C, 131 1, 180 1
- ENGL 105 1, 200, 212, 255, 256, 258, 262
- MUSI 101 C
- RECR 215 1
- SOCE 258
Area 8: The Arts
- ARAB 101, 102
- ASL 101, 102
- CHIN 101, 102
- FREN 101, 102 C, 201 C, 202 C
- GERM 101, 102
- RUSN 101, 102
- SPAN 101, 102 C, 201 C, 202 C
Area 9: Foreign Language
- ENGL 100 C, 101 C, 103, 201 2 C, 204 2, 210 2
Area 10: Basic Communication
- ENGL 100 C, 101 C, 103
- C: Available for Concurrent Enrollment. Other courses may be available upon request.
- H: For students scoring 85 or above on the N.Y. State Regents U.S. History & Government Examination
- L: Lecture course with no lab. Some programs require at least one lab science. (All other Area 2/Natural Science courses have a lab component.)
- 1: Satisfies SUNY GE, but not considered a Liberal Arts course. Some degree programs do not allow a non-Liberal Arts course to satisfy this requirement.
- 2: Partially fulfills this category.
- Approved courses for concurrent enrollment and SUNY General Education are subject to change. Contact CollegeNow for the latest list.
- For degree purposes, there are three Liberal Arts categories: Humanities, Math/Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences.