Class of 2024 Abby and Gabby Foley

Some of the Best Things in Life Come in Pairs
Class of 2024 Foley Twins

When it comes to Panthers athletics over the last two years, two of the biggest stars have come in the smallest packages. Gabby and Abby Foley may not be huge in stature, but they have been giants in the TC3 sports world.

The Foley Twins, who barely reach ten feet in combined height, came from Tioga with big goals.

“I chose TC3 because I wanted to feel close to home and I wanted to play multiple sports,” said Gabby.

“My best memories are from being able to play three sports in college,” added Abby. “Teammates, coaches, and staff provided encouragement and guidance, really establishing a sense of community and togetherness. Everyone in the athletics department provided me with a feeling of identity and purpose, motivating me to thrive academically and achieve my goals.”

The twins were top players in soccer and basketball, but they shone the brightest on the softball diamond, earning all-conference and all-region honors. They also were stars in the classroom. “My advisor, Cindy Whitney, was always helpful during my time here,” said Abby, a criminal justice major and member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. “She did more than just make sure I was taking the right classes and staying on track. Cindy would always see me in my little spot while waiting for my sister to get out of class and would ask how I was doing and how sports were going. She helped me reach my goals.”

Gabby was named the Graduate of Note for the Sport Management program. “Rich Echevarria, my advisor, played an important role in my time here,” she said. “He helped me through times of being down on myself and motivated me to stay on track. Also, Professor Kevin Haverlock, would always check up on me and make sure I was doing ok, academically and athletically.”

As members of the Class of 2024, the Foleys have done more than ok. In fact, it could be said that for everyone at the College, it has been double the pleasure to watch the Foley the past two years.