(CP) Services

The Campus Police offers a variety of services to the college community and is a source of information about campus facilities and operations. In spite of the low level of crime on campus, all community members are urged to take responsibility for their own and others' security, and to report any offenses to the OPS.  Some of the services we provide include:

  • safety escort
  • emergency message deliveries
  • weather checks
  • first aid
  • disabled vehicle assistance
  • lost and found
  • accident reports for insurance claims
  • fire and safety inspections
  • crime prevention and safety workshops
  • parking permits
  • temporary handicapped permits
  • special event coverage
  • energy conservation
  • traffic enforcement
  • investigation of incidents on campus
  • security and safety measures
  • enforcement of college rules and regulations
  • enforcement of the laws of the United States, New York State, Tompkins County, Town of Dryden

Crime Prevention

Crime can occur anyplace and anytime. The most common crime committed on campus is theft. Awareness, diligence, and precautions are logical and useful tools in crime prevention. Here are some examples of preventative measures:

  • Keep vehicles locked.
  • Avoid walking alone, especially at night.
  • Do not put your name or address on key rings.
  • Don’t leave valuables unattended; secure them in lockers (rentals available at the TC3 card office).
  • Promptly report any suspicious activity to Office of the Campus Police.



Fire Safety

TC3 is built with fire resistant material and is designed in accordance with New York State building construction codes to help reduce the rapid spread of fire. However, without the cooperation of the campus community, a minor flare-up could become a major fire. You should become familiar with the stairways and exits that lead outside the building. Emergency exit maps are posted in each classroom. Fire alarm boxes are located outside each exit stairwell on the first and second floors and in centralized locations throughout the facility. Fire extinguishers are located throughout the facility in various priority areas.

Educational Programs

Throughout the year, programs addressing crime prevention, sexual assault, domestic violence, substance abuse, safe operation of a motor vehicle, and personal safety are sponsored by the counseling office, campus activities office, residence life office, and Campus Police. While the contents vary, the overall intent of these programs is to inform the campus community of preventative measures and the availability of campus services.


The CARE Team provides a central place to manage communication regarding concerns for students’ well-being and the safety of the college community, facilitate a timely and appropriate response to these concerns, and provide information to the college community regarding risk issues and resources available.