TC3 Farm TC3 Farm CSA
TC3 Farm
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a shared connection between a farmer and the folks who eat the food the farmer grows.
It is a mutual commitment between the farmer and the shareholders. The farmer grows the food and the shareholders reap the bounty, as well as sharing the risks.
What does it mean for you?
It means that you will have the opportunity to support the students enrolled in the Sustainable Farming and Food Systems program here at TC3! You will have an opportunity to gain a greater connection to where your food is coming from by eating sustainably grown vegetables from the TC3 Farm.
What do we grow?
arugula, bok choy, garlic scapes, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mixed greens, radish, salad turnips, snap peas, snow peas, spinach, swiss chard, strawberries, tat soi

beans, beets, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, fresh garlic, kale, lettuce, mixed herbs (basil, cilantro, dill), peas, spinach, sweet onions, swiss chard, summer squash, zucchini

beans, beets, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, mixed herbs (basil, cilantro, dill), new potatoes, peppers (frying, hot, sweet), sweet onions, summer squash, tomatoes (beefsteak, cherry, heirlooms), zucchini

arugula, beans, beets, bok choy, cucumber, eggplant, fennel, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mixed greens, mixed herbs (basil, cilantro, dill), new potatoes, onions, peppers (frying, hot, sweet), radish, salad turnips, spinach, swiss chard, summer squash, tat soi, tomatillos, tomatoes (beefsteak, cherries, heirlooms, paste), zucchini

arugula, beets, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celeriac, chinese cabbage, collards, fennel, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, mixed greens, onions, parsley, peppers (frying, hot, sweet), potatoes, radish, rutabaga, spinach, tomatillos, tomatoes (beefsteak, cherries, heirlooms), turnips, winter squash

arugula, beets, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, chinese cabbage, collards, fennel, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, mixed greens, onions, parsley, peppers (frying, hot, sweet), potatoes, radish, rutabaga, spinach, tomatillos, tomatoes (beefsteak, cherries, heirlooms), turnips, winter squash

What does it cost?
Making the CSA affordable to everyone is an important goal. The TC3 Farm offers shares on a sliding scale. Student share prices are the low end of each sliding scale with a limited number of scholarships available to eligible TC3 students to help offset the cost.
- Sliding scale of $435-$505
- Geared toward households of 1-2 people.
- Features at least 5-9 items per week.
- Average share price = $470
- Sliding scale of $545-$615
- Geared toward larger households and veggie lovers.
- Features at least 7-11 items per week.
- Average share price = $580
- Sliding scale of $245-$315
- Share starts at the end of August
- Geared toward households of 1-2 people.
- Features at least 5-9 items per week.
- Average share price = $280
- Sliding scale of $300-370
- Share starts at the end of August.
- Geared toward larger households and veggie lovers.
- Features at least 7-11 items per week.
- Average share price = $335
The TC3 Farm is proud to be a participating farm in Healthy Food For All. Healthy Food For All provides subsidized CSA shares to income eligible individuals and families.
About our CSA
The TC3 Farm is not Certified Organic, but all of our farming practices adhere to USDA and NOP Organic Standards. We don’t use any synthetic/chemical pesticides, fungicides, herbicides or fertilizers. We rely on crop rotations, cover crops, compost and variety selection to maintain soil health and limit disease and pest pressure. Want to know more? Just ask!
Being part of a CSA means sharing in the harvest. It's hard to say for sure what your share will look like each week. The season usually starts off slow but picks up as it progresses. There are many things that might affect a weekly share like weather and pest pressure but Todd will send a weekly newsletter out ahead of the pickup providing an idea of what's in it as well as supplying recipes, storage tips and updates about goings on at the farm.
We offer two share sizes
- The Regular Share is geared to individuals, smaller households, or folks that eat out multiple nights a week.
- The Deluxe Share is geared to “veggie lovers,” larger households or folks who are committed to cooking at home.
It’s important to us that high quality produce is available to all. We set the share price and then come up with a scale to try to meet everyone’s needs. The members who pay on the high-end of the scale help to subsidize the members who pay on the low-end of the scale. No documentation is needed to determine where to pay on the scale. It’s what you are comfortable with. Payment plans are available.
Student share prices are the low end of each sliding scale. There are a limited number of scholarships available to eligible TC3 students to help offset the cost of the share. Please email Farmer Todd for questions regarding scholarships.
CSA pickups take place in the barn at the TC3 Farm located at 100 Cortland Rd. in Dryden on Wednesdays from 3:30-6 p.m. We are located about 1/2 mile north of Tompkins Cortland Community College’s main entrance on the right. Look for the TC3 Farm sign across the street from Creative Touch Salon.
We will have some paper bags available but please bring your own bags.
The TC3 Farm uses a “free-choice” model for pickups. Dependent on what’s available to harvest, the farm determines the number of items available to each share size (Regular or Deluxe) and each shareholder is able to choose what they would like for that week. Due to availability, some items may be limited to ensure that all shareholders are able to receive that item. We also set the volume/amount for each item. For example, some weeks there may be a choice of 1 bag of lettuce, 1 pint of roots, 4 summer squash, 1 box of cherry tomatoes. In this example, if there are no limits, and you wanted 2 bags of lettuce, that would count as 2 items.
If you know that you are going to be out of town or can’t make a certain pickup day, you can always have a friend or family member pick up your share. If you can’t make it before 6 p.m. on Wednesdays, the barn will still be open until about 8 p.m. but be unstaffed. If you completely forget about your share on Wednesday, please get in touch with Farmer Todd to arrange for pick up the following day. Forgotten shares will be donated.
The farm also has a flex-week option. With this option, if you let Farmer Todd know ahead of time that you can’t make a pickup, there will be an extra pick up at the end of the season.
We are not always able to accommodate you taking extra items another week if you missed a pickup. We harvest weekly based on the number of folks we have picking up.
If you are splitting your share, the easiest thing to do is for both of you to come to the pick up together and decide how you want to divide it. There are times when items in the share aren’t easily divided (i.e. one cabbage) and the farm can’t keep track of who has taken what. We realize that it is sometimes hard for folks to come at the same time. If you cannot make it together, we ask that you either take the full share and divide it later, or communicate with you share partner, so that they know exactly what you took.