Faculty and Staff Resources

The Global Initiatives office is committed to helping faculty and staff across campus develop Internationalization at Home (IaH) initiatives. These activities can be incorporated into any aspect of the College’s function, from course content to student activities to support services.

The Global Initiatives office uses the following definition when referring to IaH activities:
“…the purposeful integration of international and intercultural dimensions into the formal and informal curriculum for all students within domestic learning environments” (
Beelen & Jones, 2015).

The formal curriculum is that which is taught in classes and is academic in nature, while the informal curriculum includes other areas of higher education, from student activities to athletics to residence life. Because all areas of a learning institution are designed with student success and growth in mind, all areas are able to internationalize.

You don’t have to have overseas students physically or virtually in your course for you to be able to include global content. Any course can include global content, not only the social sciences or humanities. Likewise, you don’t have to be a faculty member to include global content in your department or area.

If your office or department would like assistance with developing an internationalize aspect of the formal or informal curriculum, please contact the Global Initiatives Office at global@tompkinscortland.edu for more information.

Starting a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) activity can be difficult – what do you do, and how do you start? Our experienced COIL coordinator, Angela Palumbo, is ready to help answer your questions about COIL and how to use it in your class.

Beginning in 2021, Tompkins Cortland Community College’s Global Initiatives office will facilitate training and partner pairing for interested TC3 faculty and any faculty from our partnership institutions that we have signed agreements with. This training will be provided for free as part of our Internationalization at Home initiative.

For more information about COIL and our virtual exchange training, please contact Angela Palumbo.

In addition to the individualized support that our office can provide you, here are links to outside resources that can give you ideas and direction regarding internationalization.

American Council on EducationInternationalization ToolkitComprehensive Internationalization.

American Association of Community Colleges – International Programs facts and figures, the importance of international education at community colleges.

Inside Higher EdThe World View Blog

Boston College’s Center for International Higher Education International Higher Education

Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina (ESAL) (en español)