What is the SUNY Apprenticeship Program?

A grant developed by SUNY in partnership with the NYSDOL. The focus is to engage small, medium, and large employers in New York to secure paid registered apprenticeships in high skilled, high demand and competitive wage occupations in advanced manufacturing, healthcare, information technology, and more!

State University of New York

Courtesy of the Workforce Development Board, American Apprenticeship Initiative (AAI)

Our Goal

To develop and help apprenticeship programs succeed in New York State. This grant allows us to monetarily aid employers with the related instruction part of an apprenticeship. This fund can be accessed by every SUNY community college to help apprenticeship programs in our specific areas.

Who Can Participate?

Employers in advanced manufacturing, healthcare, information technology and more.  We can help you determine if your company fits under one of these categories. 

How does your company benefit?

You will be eligible to get the related instruction portion of an apprenticeship partly/fully covered if your company has a registered apprenticeship through the NYSDOL. We will also assist you in establishing a registered apprenticeship through NYSDOL. Funding is available for pre-apprenticeships to get interested candidates prepared to enter an apprenticeship program.

What's next?

After you decide that apprenticeship is right for your company, contact us and we will assist you in starting the process with NYSDOL.  

NYS Department of Labor – Apprenticeships

Other Benefits

Empire State Apprenticeship Tax Credit (ESATC)


Apprenticeship Expansion Grant (AEG)

  • NYSDOL is making up to $4.1 million available until July 31, 2020 to serve approximately 800 new apprentices in registered apprenticeships (RA). This funding will cover costs associated with training apprentices through RA, such as related instruction (RI), on the job training (OJT), books and tools.
  • For more information please check the Apprenticeship Expansion Grant RFA or Apprenticeship Expansion Grant Fact Sheet.