Board Policy - Maintenance of Public Order

An academic institution cannot function properly in its search for knowledge and truth in an atmosphere that is not open. The college promotes free speech and discussion because of the tremendous benefits this freedom confers on our students’ education.

As a public institution, the college is also obligated to observe the protections for speech provided by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article 1, Section 8 of the New York Constitution. However, the college must continue to function if the search for knowledge and truth is to be meaningful.

This policy governs the conduct of all students, faculty, staff, licensees, invitees, and all other persons, whether or not their presence is authorized, on property owned or under the control of the college or any affiliated organization.

No person shall, singly or in concert with others, engage in activity that interferes with the operations of the college or its affiliate organizations, including:

  • willfully cause injury to another person, nor threaten to do so; 
  • physically restrain or detain any other person; 
  • remove anyone from any place where he or she is authorized to remain; 
  • willfully damage or destroy property of the campus or property under its care; 
  • remove property of the campus or property under its care without authorization; 
  • use campus property or property in the campus’s care without authorization; 
  • enter into any private office without implied or explicit permission; 
  • enter into and remain in any campus building or facility in such manner as to obstruct its authorized use; 
  • remain in any building or facility after it is closed without authorization; 
  • refuse to leave a campus building or facility after being required to do so by an 
    authorized personnel or police authority; 
  • obstruct the free movement of people and vehicles in any place to which this policy applies; 
  • deliberately disrupt or prevent the peaceful and orderly conduct of college or affiliated organizations’ business; 
  • deliberately disrupt or prevent the freedom of any person to express his or her views, including invited speakers; 
  • excepting law enforcement officers, knowingly have in his or her possession upon the premises to which this policy applies, any firearm or weapon without the written authorization of the Director of Campus Police, whether or not a license to possess the weapon has been issued to the person;
  • willfully incite others to commit immediate acts of violence or immediate acts of destruction of property.

Freedom of Speech and Assembly 
No person shall be subject to any limitation or penalty for expressing his or her views or for assembling with others for such purpose so long as there is no violation of the above rules.

Peaceful picketing and other orderly demonstrations in public areas of campus grounds and buildings are not subject to interference provided there is no violation of the above rules.

The practice commonly known as “hazing” will not be permitted on the Tompkins Cortland Community College campus and no recognized student organization may practice an initiation rite, or require it as a condition for membership or affiliation, that involves reckless or intentional acts which create risk to the health, well-being, and lives of individuals. Individuals may not be harassed, humiliated, or abused and may not be forced to consume liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with an organization.

The charter of all recognized student organizations shall contain a statement prohibiting hazing and all new students shall be made aware of the college position relative to hazing.

Individuals or organizations involved in hazing practices shall be subject to college disciplinary procedures, as well as to applicable local, state, or federal laws.

The Board of Trustees of Tompkins Cortland Community College authorizes the president of the college, or his or her delegate, to develop reasonable procedures to enforce this policy.

6/19/69 – 2nd Working draft/regulation of conduct of TC3 campus memorandum – no resolution number 