College Welcomes Nearly 400 High School Students for MADE

College Welcomes Nearly 400 High School Students for MADE
Tompkins Cortland Community College played host to nearly 400 high school students for the annual Manufacturing and Development Expo (MADE) on September 27. The event, part of the national Manufacturing Day programming, was sponsored by the College along with AM&T, Cortland Works Career Center, Cayuga-Cortland Workforce Development Board, Ithaca Area Economic Development, Tompkins County Workforce Development, Tompkins Workforce NY, and TST BOCES.
The high school students came from 17 different school districts across the region. The students had the opportunity to engage with hands-on activities and displays presented by 20 local manufacturers. The primary goals of the event were to introduce students to the many varied careers that exist within the manufacturing industry, provide information about lucrative and in-demand jobs that can be available after high school as well as with a college degree, and help create a talent pipeline within our region.
Manufacturing Day is the biggest annual opportunity to inspire the next generation to start careers in modern manufacturing through a series of focused events for students, parents, and educators. Manufacturing Day is an initiative of The Manufacturing Institute, with the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association as a founding partner. The Institute supports diverse initiatives for women, veterans, students, and workers through skills training programs, community building, and supporting the advancement of their careers in manufacturing.