Clubs and Organizations

Current Clubs and Organizations

Check out Campus Groups to see an up-to-date list of the Clubs and Organizations we have available.

Current Club and Organization List

How to Start a New Club

  • Step 1: Complete theNew Club Request Form
  • Step 2: Look for an email from Student Activities, we will outline the following aspects needed to start a new club:
    • Finding student interest - Please provide a signed list of 10 students who have demonstrated interest in joining the specific new club.
    • Securing the interest of an advisor - Find a Faculty or Staff member who would be willing to advise the club.
    • Club constitution - Create a club constitution using the Template located under Resources.
  • Step 3: Once step 2 is complete, email Student Activities with confirmed student interest, the name of the potential advisor, and a draft of the constitution.
  • Step 4: Student Activities will review and email the interested student to set up a meeting to get the club registered.
  • Step 5: Complete Paperwork
