Health and Wellness Services
Tompkins Cortland Health and Wellness Services provides integrated services and programs to promote inclusive individual and community well-being. We offer five distinct areas devoted to students: the Health Center, Mental Health Counseling, the Collegiate Recovery Program, Health Education and Alcohol and Drug Prevention programs, and the on-campus Panther Pantry.
COVID-19 Resources
COVID vaccines are not required, but are encouraged. COVID tests are available in the Health Center. The College continues to work with various agencies to insure the safety of our campus community. The Tompkins County Health Department is the lead local agency, while the Centers for Disease Control is the managing agency for the United States. These two agencies will provide the best and most current information on the virus nationally and locally.
Additional information about public health guidelines related to the virus can be found online:
• World Health Organization (WHO) information about Coronavirus
• US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Situation Summary
• Tompkins County Health Department